A premium restaurant with skill development

A restaurant planned after retirement

There are few questions in my mind often.

  • What will I do if I am bored of doing what I do?
  • When I will retire?
  • What should I do after my retirement, so that my family feels proud of what we do?

I am a person who loves to explore often. That is a positive side of me I believe. But that has a drawback as well. If I feel, I have enough explored that field, I lose interest in that. In my job, I am very much happy. Technology is one field where you can explore too much. It’s a fast-growing field. So, the chance of getting bored is very less. Having said that, I have a feeling that I cannot continue more than 10-15 years in this field. I may need to explore more in this field. So, here is one of my idea which I may explore after I retire from my current field.

Idea – Premium Restaurant With Skill Development

My wife is an excellent cook. Everyone loves the food she prepares. She loves to welcome guests. It is a habit she developed very well. The smile she brings to her guests, cannot be measured. So, if we prepare to open a restaurant she can do it for years, as she loves doing it.

We want to make sure, every guest gets good attention. So, we will keep the guest limit to 10 every day. It will open in the afternoon for 3 hours. Guests need to reserve their table 1 day prior to the event. Table booking will be opened and closed 1 day prior to the event so that we can plan accordingly. If there is 1 person who registers for an event, we will continue with 1 person. And 10 person limit is the hard stop.

Now, coming to the point on what skill we can teach for our guests during 3-hour time window. These are –

  • Focusing on Happiness
  • Public Speaking
  • Boosting Creativity and imagination
  • Connecting with unknown people
  • Building positive attitude
  • Creating a habit of learning
  • History of cooking
  • etc

These problems are age-old problems. Thousands of philosophers have shared their experiences before. But generations are changing. Different generations need different solutions. Old solutions might now work for current people or the current situation. I will just share my own experiences to tackle these situations. Below is my 3-hour window plans

  • First 10 mins – Settling in
  • 11-30 minutes – We will get to know each other with coffee and homemade snacks
  • Next 1 hour – Me or my wife’s session
  • Next 30 mins – Question and Answers
  • Next 30 min – Photo session and wrap up
  • Last 30 min – Dinner time

There will be 10 digital whiteboards, where people can share their thoughts on that specific moment. It can be on the flower he or she has seen while coming to the restaurant. It can be on the session. It can be on the beautiful girl she met in the session. It can be on her struggle in life. Basically, it can be on anything which he or she is feeling at that exact moment. We will archive all those moments and keep them on our portal. After a few days, we will send a special snap of that day, framed with a personal quote from us. We will make sure that 3 hours is memorable his or her entire life.

The restaurant is not only about learning. It’s about finding peace. It’s about finding the solutions for age-old problems. It’s about meeting new people. It’s about hearing so many stories.

I and my wife will never be bored while doing this. I loved giving lectures to my friends for years about the problems they are facing. My wife loved cooking and hosting guests. It’s not about the money we will earn. It’s about the way of life, we may decide.


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