

Sapiens A Brief History of Mankind – No doubt the best book of the last decade.

Factfulness – We often tend to forget the facts and are biased by the wrong data. This book is a must-have for everyone.

God’s Debris – Discussion between 2 people about God and science. The logic provided might be wrong but it’s a thought-provoking book to question yourself.


Crony Beliefs – This is one of the best blogs I have read recently. If you want to understand why we endlessly debate on social media, this is the best article for you. I am reading this whenever I get a chance.

How money works – If you want to understand the basics of the economy, you can start with this.


Happiness – Happiness is a skill like painting, writing, etc which you can learn through practice – Naval Ravikant. I have watched almost all his podcasts. I watch those again and again. He is one of the smartest people I have ever listened to. This podcast is one of his best podcasts.

How to Increase Focus – Recently I have started watching Andrew Huberman podcasts. This is the best of the lot.

Future of Crypto – Tim Ferris is one of the most popular podcasters right now. This episode with Balaji Srinivasan gives an excellent overview of how a decentralized platform is going to rule the world in the coming years.

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